Monday, January 31, 2011

Energy Conservation for kids

1. I think the target audience are children from the age of maybe 7 to 10..

2. The main key messages are to get the new CFL bulbs and conserve energy.

3. Yes i do think the clip is effective. The clip is interactive. It ask's questions, is in cartoon and uses pictures too. The clip tried to use easy terms so as to make sure the children understands them. The clip also used a rhyme at the end.

4. They could have maybe some background music, crack some jokes, make the video more colorful and cut down on hard words like incandescent and percentages.

Energy Conservation video 1

1. People like to go the easy was, non-renewable resources are easier to be collected and used, while renewable resources needs quite a bit more of work and sacrifices. For example using wind as an energy source, people have to cope with the problem of the annoying sounds of the turbines turning.

2. The video has suggested that one of the easy ways is to use less non-renewable sources.

3. Schools can invite speakers from companies that conserves the environments to talk more about energy conservations and inspire the students to conserve energy and save the earth. In the public people can put up posters, advertisements and such to convince people about conserving energy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The 3 things are that sketching s important as it allows us to express and communicate with people through it, proportion of the picture is also very important and that there are different ways in which people can sketch and express thier sketch.